Plastic bonded NdFeB

Plastic bonded NdFeB magnets

Plastic bonded NdFeB magnets

Plastic bonded NdFeB magnets are produced from quickly set NdFeB powder together and from thermoplastic plastics. The isotropic and quickly set NdFeB powder is produced according to a process developed by the company Magnequench (MQ1). The magnetic properties of this so-formed compound material depend on the composition of the used power.
Following two methods can be used:


Two methods are used for the production:

  1. Press Procedure / Procedure of Pressing
    Here the synthetic granules are premixed (Compound-Preparation) and afterwards pressed axially into corresponding tools with pressure. In most cases no further mechanical post-processing is necessary. In comparison to cast magnets the high concentration of NdFeB powder achieves higher magnetic values. Furthermore, the tools used for this are simpler and low-priced.
  2. Die Casting Procedure / Procedure of Die Casting
    This procedure can be conducted with or without a magnetic field of orientation. Cast magnets are typical compound materials, which are generated through embedding NdFeB powder parts in thermoplastic plastics. The main advantage of these magnets is the possibility to cast them directly to prefabricated parts or other components.