


Key to Success

We decided to look at the works of our customers not only from a supplier’s point of view. To successfully remain in the market, especially marketing-specific factors need to be considered and implemented. Whether this has been achieved during implemention of a new idea or a product improvement can best be determined when we use our senses to feel, hear, see, taste or smell.

Just think of the emotions that accompany us in a car dealership or an auto show, when we open an issued vehicle and take a seat inside. In this very moment we realise the sum of our engineering when we press buttons, turn wheels, glide over the dashboard with our hands, adjust the seat to the ideal driving position and enjoy the pleasant smell of fine leather. Only when the sound of the door falling into the lock gives us the signal, “This is the right seat for me,” we will do exactly what many people put their hard work into every day – we buy the product.

It would be presumptuous to claim that we are in a position to make an objective judgment of this or that innovation across all divisions. However, for many a new development our advice has been asked for.

Not only for this reason have we entered a partnership with a publishing house, which enables us to explore a variety of industrial and commercial products before others have a chance to do so. Only when the sum of all our activities has the customer satisfied, then we speak of “the Supplier”.

Press / Publications

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